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At Mercia Primary Academy Trust, everyone is valued and takes responsibility for the challenging learning that takes place.

The SENCo  at Lakeside Primary School is Mrs Davies. A SENCo is a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities coordinator. It is their responsibility to ensure that every child who walks through our doors has the opportunity to reach their full potential, despite any additional needs they may have. Their role in school is to oversee the SEN provision that we provide and being the key point of contact for anyone who has a query surrounding SEN. They work closely with class teachers, families and external agencies to ensure that the children with SEN have access to the best support possible. 

Lakeside prides itself on being an inclusive setting where each child’s individual needs are valued and supported. We ensure that our staff are well equipped with the most up to date research and practices to support children with various learning difficulties. We have previously been awarded Enhanced Dyslexia Friendly School Status, the highest possible level, due to our ongoing support and awareness for not only children with dyslexia, but those with other learning difficulties such as dyspraxia, dyscalculia, Autism and memory difficulties to name a few. Despite accessing high quality teaching throughout their time at Lakeside, some children will require further specialist support to allow them to continue to make progress. 

We follow a graduated approach with all of our SEN children by using an Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. All children on the SEN register have an individualised learning plan, which is updated termly with personalised targets to support your child. These are shared with parents so that they can continue the support at home. These plans may have classroom adaptations or specific interventions which children access throughout the day to allow them to make the best progress possible. They may also include recommendations from specialist external agencies who have been involved with your child.

If you feel your child may require some additional support, the first instance would be to speak to their class teacher to share your concerns. Your child will then be placed on a monitoring schedule for six weeks where initial classroom adaptations and support can be put in place. Following this period, the targets will be reviewed with the SENCo, class teacher and yourselves, where a decision will be made as to whether your child should be placed on the SEN register. 


SENCO - Whitney Davies

SEN Policy

SEN Information Report

SEN Emotional Coaching Guide for Parents/Carers