Whilst at Lakeside Primary School, the children might undertake a variety of assessments and tests.
Reception Baseline Assessment
In reception, from 2020, all children will undertake a baseline assessment test. This is a new national assessment that will be administered in reception classes in all primary, infant and first schools in England. The new reception baseline assessment will provide a snapshot of where pupils are when they arrive at school, enabling an accurate measurement of the progress children make by the end of year 6.
The reception baseline is a task-based assessment which uses physical materials that children can easily handle such as plastic shapes and picture sequencing cards. The wording of each task has been carefully designed to be child-friendly. The assessment is undertaken on a one-to-one basis with a person who is familiar to the child and that child’s needs.
Phonics Screening Check
Throughout, EYFS, Reception and Year 1, children will begin to learn phonics (sounds).They learn to blend (join) the phonics sounds which helps them to read and spell We are required to administer a phonics screening check to children in the June of Year 1. This test is a series of words – proper and nonsense words which children are asked to read using their phonics knowledge. If a child in Year 1 does not get the required number of words right to pass the test, they are able to retake it in Year 2.
KS1 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)
SATs papers are statutory examinations undertaken by primary school children to test their knowledge of the National Curriculum and to monitor each child’s progress and the schools performance. Key Stage 1 SATs tests are currently undertaken at the end of the year 2, usually in May of each year. The tests, which are marked externally, include:
- Reading,
- Maths,
- English: Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling.
Teachers use their professional judgement based on work done during the year to assess the level at which each child is working. This judgement is then confirmed by a test usually done in May. They provide a snapshot of children’s attainment and help Year 2 teachers arrive at a secure judgment for their final ‘teacher assessment’ at the end of Key Stage 1. Although the tests are set externally, they are marked by teachers within the school.
The tests are conducted as informally as possible so that the children do not feel anxiety about the test and do not feel the pressure to pass the test. At Lark Hall, the SAT’s are another way to highlight where your child is doing well, where they might need extra help and to provide a snapshot of your child’s progress to their next school .
Please Note: On 14 September 2017 it was confirmed that the KS1 SATs will be made non-statutory (so schools will be able to choose whether to administer them or not) from 2023. Until then, children will continue to be assessed during May of Year 2.
Key Stage 2 Standard Assessment Tests (SATs)
Key Stage 2 SATs tests are undertaken at the end of the year 6, usually in May of each year. The tests, which are marked externally, include:
- Maths
- English reading
- SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
- Science (Some schools are periodically asked to undertake a Science SATs assessment)
Writing is assessed by a teacher, taking into account a child’s work over the course of year 6. This can be moderated by a Local Authority to ensure the school assessments are accurate and rigorous. As well as monitoring how well a school is delivering its curriculum, the SATs test provide useful information to secondary schools regarding each child’s attainment.
The schools data link below makes a direct comparison between the attainment of Lakeside Primary School children and all children Nationally. Some children will be considered to have exceeded the Expected Standard for their year group and will be considered to be working at Greater Depth.
At Lakeside, all we ask is that the children try their best. We firmly believe it is important for children to understand that SATs tests do not define a child. We are committed to ensuring our Curriculum is as rich and diverse as possible which allows each child to flourish, grow and develop a love of learning. Ultimately, we aim to mold our children into rounded, well balanced individuals who are kind and can play a positive role in society.
We do provide additional information regarding SATs throughout the school year. However, should you have any questions about Key Stage 2 SAT’s please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher who can provide further support and guidance.
Lakeside Primary - Up to date Performance Data
Extra Information on Primary School Progress Measures:
Information for Schools and Parents Primary School Progress Measures